Why the Cold Chain Market Needs Better Technology
- in News
- by Dean Hornsby
- on May 10, 2021
What to Expect
The global cold chain market is growing at a consistently fast rate. A number of driving factors contribute to this expected growth, including changing consumer perceptions of diet, the distribution of vaccinations, and a narrowing focus on quality of food. According to Grandview Research, the global cold chain market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.8% from 2021 to 2028. With no sign of slowing down, businesses and consumers within the cold chain market are forced to address a number of issues. Reasons for a broken cold chain can vary from human error, such as overloading products or incorrect temperature settings, to unreliable temperature data logger selections. Packaging technology is critical within the cold chain and where many problems arise. Consumers of perishable products all over the world expect quality and freshness. With the growing cold chain market, proper monitoring systems are increasingly necessary.
As urban populations continue to increase globally, the demand for fresh, high quality food grows as well. The mass distribution of perishable food leaves the potential for a great amount of food waste if the cold chain is broken. Modern day expectations of food quality is not where it used to be. People are now expecting food with a higher shelf life to mitigate food waste on a daily basis, but the food purchased in grocery stores does not always meet quality standards. Although cold chain management has a number of issues to improve upon, the equipment and technology used is critical to its efficiency. Yet this issue is not solved by placing a temperature logger in a shipment box. Factors such as incorrect temperature settings and ignoring temperature alarms can still cause waste and spoilage. Choosing the correct temperature logger is key in a successful cold chain, but there is potential for additional issues in the last mile delivery.

Why is Last Mile so Important?
Last mile delivery, or where the goods move from a transportation hub to their final delivery destination, can determine success or failure in the cold chain. From a survey of over 150 cold chain leaders, a staggering 25% were concerned about logistics. Additionally, strategic priorities for these leaders were dominated by data loggers and sensors, active monitoring, and tracking solutions. Last mile delivery may be the shortest and quickest part of the logistics process, but it is also the most crucial. Proper technology and monitoring of products is the simplest way to prevent potential issues, but cost and efficiency of the technology must be considered. When a precise monitoring system is used during last mile delivery, the usual expensive cost of this process may decrease due to the reliability of the technology. Last mile delivery accounts for nearly 25% of logistical costs, and cold chain leaders are desperate to cut down expenses for such a short part of the delivery process.

We Have Options!
Whether you’re in the market of packaging, food safety, or medicine, Blulog temperature data loggers are a reliable, affordable, and convenient solution to cold chain issues. Not only will the unique technology prevent potential issues throughout the cold chain, but the easy to use product will provide consistent data even during last mile delivery. There are a variety of deciding factors to consider when choosing temperature data loggers. This includes cost, reusability, battery life, response time, and size. Blulog has both NFC and RF temperature loggers for any market looking to improve their cold chain logistics. NFC loggers are used for in-transit temperature recordings, where the user can use their smartphone to tap or place near the logger to read the temperature data. The RF loggers use live monitoring and logging with autonomous readings. Both types of loggers are small and easy to place in product boxes, cold storage rooms, or refrigerated trucks. Available in both single use and reusable formats, the variety of affordable temperature data loggers from Blulog are guaranteed to reduce the chances of a broken cold chain.
The increase in demand for live monitoring and cloud connected devices is necessary as the cold chain market requires reliable solutions to their problems. The global temperature data logger market is expected to grow at a rate of 3.87% AGR by 2025. Although there is potential for error at any point in the cold chain, cutting edge temperature data loggers can prevent and solve a number of issues. For markets including fresh produce, vaccinations, or the monitoring of perishable products, Blulog’s temperature data loggers are the best option for reliability. Check out our unique products here!

Bluline Solutions solves cold chain temperature excursion threats by offering its clients cloud connected IoT wireless sensor technologies. Our broad range of active and passive logger devices and sensing options means you can accurately measure what matters and not settle for an approximate or close enough measurement.
Live monitor temperature, humidity or door opening events with Blulog RF and access to your data using our complimentary web dashboard console or mobile app. If you transport temperature sensitive products using a contracted carrier, Blulog NFC technology will record temperatures during transportation and provide any registered system user immediate notification of goods arriving at the point of arrival with a date, time, temperature and geolocation stamp. Both Blulog RF and NFC technologies provide temperature breach notifications, allow report generation, and provide long term subscription free cloud-based data storage.
Blulog is ideal for use in temperature controlled environments, multiple modes of transportation, and commercial retail refrigeration sites. Be confident that your products and perishable items are kept safe and secure with Blulog. Learn more at www.blulinesolutions.com